
Serving the community since 1934
Early mornings and yards of bunting...
Behind the scene of every event there is a team of volunteers filling tea urns, serving coffee, baking remarkable cakes,moving furniture and answering telephones. This year our lovely vintage Village Hall will celebrate 90 years of hosting community events. So many receptions, plays, meetings, dances and elections..and more, during the tenure of twenty Prime Ministers and the reign of five monarchs... most recently celebrating the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II and the Coronation of Charles III.
Moving into a Centenary decade a bright future lies ahead.
With Wi-Fi, Broadband and a new website we enter the modern world. Sensitive renovation of the original building is underway and fund-raising plans in place for an extension to house a fully accessible toilet/kitchen block and an eco-friendly sustainable heating system/energy supply. Applying for grants and seeking donations is the task ahead. Café-in-the-Kitchen is proving a popular and successful fundraising iniative and community hub, running alongside a monthly programme of events we hope will attract a wider local audience.
Earl Soham Village Hall Renovation Fund: please contact us if you would like more information, wish to donate or join our friendly Volunteer Team. Charity No.304743 (ESVH)